has some really cool jobs. I have told many of my friends to check it out. - Steve


The Dos and Don'ts of Chico Job Interviews

If you have been doing everything right up until this point, then the company will have contacted you and scheduled your interview for Chico jobs. This is the moment that will decide whether or not the job is yours, so you should be doing everything in your power to prepare for it. Here are some things you should do, and some things you definitely should not do, that will help you land that position.

1. Do practice before interviewing: set aside some time to work on your delivery, anticipate questions, and perfect your tone. Get some friends to do a mock interview with you. The stress of the job interview is something everyone can relate to, and they’ll be eager to help.

2. Do not interrupt your interviewer: interviewers can do a lot of talking, and what they have to say (particularly regarding the company) can be important and informative. You would do well to listen more than you speak, and you don’t want to come across as rude or desperate.

3. Do ask questions: you want to be as engaged and attentive as possible and asking questions of your own will achieve that. The interview should be a conversation, not just a question and answer session.

4. Don’t lie: part of making a good first impression is being honest. Being honest also means admitting your ignorance if you don’t know the answer to a question. Saying you don’t know is far less damaging than making something up.

By Kyle Wise

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